7th January, 2022
Celebrating you and all the life you are helping to restore!
Let’s end 2021 on a high note and remember some of the milestones from the year! In the interest of looking forward to all the trees to come, we’re also thinking about the challenges for 2022 and how we can overcome these together!
Building the new nursery…
…starting in March, we’ve been working hard on constructing the new large-scale nursery in Santana do Araguaia! This nursery will have the capacity to house 500,000 seedlings annually.
Our community of rural landowners grows!
Just like our core team, our community of landowners has also grown exponentially. As the Black Jaguar Foundation becomes more known throughout the region, more and more landowners have become interested in joining the mission. This year several new landowners joined our project and 14 other farmers are lined up to start partnering with us, adding up to over 600 ha of areas to be validated for restoration.

BJF’s Seed Collection Collective: Pilot Project Completed Successfully!
While this collective is mainly aimed at providing our project with seeds, it also brings further benefits, such as improving local employment. Within this pilot project, six seed collectors were indirectly employed, demonstrating the potential that this Seed Collection Collective has in boosting local

As our planting work expands, so does our team…
As our planting activities expand, so do our teams! This year we welcomed 10 new members to our core team, not to mention our amazing planting team which grows year upon year!

2021: the year of partnership!
So many new and renewed partnerships have been formed this year. In such uncertain times, this has been an amazing testament to our sponsors’ commitment to preserving our planet. To name just a few of our amazing partners from 2021…

A couple of our highlights with the partners supporting the planting of our first million trees, Movida Car Rental and One Tree Planted…
Movida Redesigns Stores to Include BJF-Carbon Free Programme
To increase the visibility of its Carbon Free Programme, Movida is redesigning its stores around Brazil to include the programme at the very forefront of its brand! The new store design also includes the Black Jaguar Foundation logo, which we are extremely proud of.

Alaine Ball from One Tree Planted visits the Araguaia Corridor…
…showcasing the work going on, and the commitment of our team, Alaine interviews our forest engineers Carlos Eduardo Oliveira and Dimitrio Schievenin.
Thank you so much for all of your support through 2021 and we invite you to join us to continue to bring more life and hope in 2022
Warmest wishes,
The BJF Team