“Committed to our Planet.”
Luiz de Barros
President of Chambraz
We believe in the power of collaboration and the synergy that arises when entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and cultures come together. Through our platform, we create a favorable environment for sharing ideas, experiences, and best practices in business. We stand for an entrepreneurial ecosystem that fosters innovation, creativity, and mutual growth.
We understand that doing business abroad is challenging. Therefore, we are here to provide comprehensive support to Brazilian entrepreneurs in the Netherlands by offering current information about the local market and practical guidance on legal matters and regulations.
Chambraz believes that environmental awareness is crucial for preserving our habitat. We understand the importance of sustainable and responsible production. We are dedicated to sustainable living and encourage actions that conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact. has decided to support the Black Jaguar Foundation, an institution dedicated to preservation and reforestation in Brazil.
By becoming a lead at Chambraz, you are directly contributing to efforts to restore biodiversity, promote a sustainable future, and support the development of the local population in Brazil.