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Ana Paula Mendes

Scelta Mushrooms re-commits to the BJF for a sixth year

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Long-time BJF sponsor and loyal friend Scelta Mushrooms has renewed their membership for a sixth year in a row! Beyond being passionate about producing high quality, innovative food, Scelta invests heavily in the future. Jan Klerken, CEO of Scelta, shares our passion for a greener world and is increasingly gearing the company towards a more sustainable future.

Scelta celebrated their 25th Anniversary in 2018. As the number one mushroom processing company in the Netherlands, they now supply approximately 800 partners in 70 countries. Innovation is in Scelta’s DNA. It is the driving force that has shaped and continues to shape the company. Constantly developing and adapting to meet the new global demands of the food production industry, Scelta maintains their focus on three main pillars: taste, health and sustainability.

The Scelta Institute, Venlo. Location of the 2018 BJF celebration event.
Jan Klerken, Scelta CEO, speaking at the 2018 BJF celebration event.

Scelta Mushrooms has been a hugely impactful sponsor of the BJF for many years now, and we look forward to many more years working together in our shared mission for a more sustainable, more green future.

Published 5th March, 2020

WeAreBrain makes magic happen

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WeAreBrain has been a crucial partner since the beginning of our journey! As a web and IT development firm we work closely with them to make our IT dreams become a reality.

They recently helped facilitate the development of our Portuguese website and are now part of our crucial next stage. Working with us so we can engage our wider, global community and prepare to launch our “Donate Your Tree” campaign. This will allow friends and supporters to directly sponsor any chosen quantities of trees, in doing so they will become a Green Friend and become a vital part of the mission to realise one of the largest reforestation projects on the planet.

Founded in 2014, WeAreBrain is an award-winning technology partner to international organisations and innovative scale-ups. With expertise in everything from exploratory research and analysis to design, they’re able to cater to the specific needs of each organisation and have readily adapted to meet any challenges we have thrown their way. They have provided invaluable support over the past years, we thank them greatly and look forward to continuing our exciting partnership.

Planting season 2020 in full force

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In December 2019, we embarked on our second planting season in Brazil. This year we are being more ambitious than ever as we start to action plans to plant our first million trees.

Using the knowledge acquired from the last rainy season, we’re perfecting our restoration techniques. Learning from experience, research and from our technical partnerships, this year we have particularly developed our direct seeding techniques, one of 5 methods we use in our restoration work. 

We’ve also gained an even better understanding of which tree species are optimum to rebuild the forest structure. For example, this year we’re using more legume trees (Fabaceae family). These are Nitrogen fixing which will increase the health of the soil, improving its fertility and allowing future plants to flourish.

These months see the year of preparation come to fruition, as the seedlings that have been carefully grown in our nurseries are planted. Taking root in their new home and officially fulfilling their role in the restoration of the Araguaia biodiversity corridor. 

As this planting is going on, preparations have already begun for next season!

Published 30th January, 2020

Bioflora inspire & inform Landowners

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At the end of 2019, the BJF hosted an event with the landowners syndicate of Santana do Araguaia. This was led by our technical partner, Bioflora Restoration Technology, who are now working with us to increase our engagement with new landowners. During this day, André Nave, Director of Bioflora, gave a lecture about the environmental improvement of farms and rural properties, shining a light on the necessity for landowners to engage in environmental regularisation.

The day sparked many interesting discussions surrounding the move to more sustainable practices and the benefits this can create both for landowner, communities and the environment.

These educational sessions are one way we’re increasingly building strong relationship with landowners. This also served as an introduction to the Ecological Restoration course the BJF will hold in March, in partnership with Bioflora and LERF.

It’s official…BJF becomes IUCN member!

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We are extremely proud to announce that we have officially been accepted as an IUCN member. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature is one of the worlds largest nature conservation organisations, composed of states, government agencies, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples’ organisations, academic institutions and business associations, harnessing the experience of its more than 1,300 member organisation.

The IUCN represents a combined effort to conserve nature and accelerate the transition to sustainable development. It’s diverse, multidisciplinary nature means membership entails  access to a wealth of  resources and knowledge that helps organisations such as the BJF be as effective as possible. 

In 2018 the IUCN celebrated its 70th anniversary. At this time they released a statement which said No one government or organisation can correct humanity’s course alone.’ This is a notion the BJF share, we are not restoring the worlds longest biodiversity corridor, we are building a community that will extend for generations to come. 

Introducing Daisy: our new Communications Coordinator

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We are extremely happy to have Daisy Longden on board, taking over the reigns as Communications Coordinator. As we expand and our field operations develop, this role is more crucial than ever. Ensuring all sponsors and friends are kept up to date and making sure we deliver one clear, positive message. Trees are the solution!

Originally from the UK, Daisy recently completed her masters in International Development at the University of Amsterdam, focusing on the co-dependence of social and environmental development. After her research into the social impact of environmental sustainability in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, and with a history in communications, we are excited for Daisy to bring her knowledge to our vibrant core team.

BJF 2019: Let’s celebrate our progress!

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This year we’ve reached many milestones, none of which would have been possible without YOU!

Our community has increased drastically over the past year, providing the partnerships and funding needed to truly reach the next level. Most importantly, 2019 saw us expand our field operations, and with new partner landowners the next concrete goal is in sight, our first one million trees!

From new partnerships to second pilot projects, here are just a few of our highlights from the year: 

  • 90% survival rate of our first seedlings, compared with an industry average of 70%.
  • In 2019, 15,000 trees were planted, and an additional 41,000 trees were grown by natural regeneration.
  • Our extensive Green Capital Study is nearing completion! 11 international researchers, 12 months and an expanse of data about the impact on the Araguaia Corridor. With this, a Green-Global advisory board was established, consisting of highly renowned individuals in fields such as landscape management, green finance and corporate sustainability.
  • After a lengthy application process, the BJF became an official IUCN member!
  • A successful due diligence trip by environmentalist Andrea Dreesmann and her son Felipe, to visit our field work in April 2019, led Andrea and Quinten Dreesmann to start committing to the BJF.
  • Marina (Partnerships Coordinator Brazil) and Dimitrio (Project Coordinator) joined team BJF Brazil and Daisy took over as Communications Coordinator.
  • Elyakin and Phablo joined our field team as environmental engineers, starting to create crucial new partnerships with landowners. 
  • The Black Jaguar Foundation website went live in Portuguese
  • BJF Governance project began, in close partnership with law firm Vieira Rezende.
  • BJF Book, No Risk, No Life was released in Portuguese! View the book launch

2019 has been an amazing year, we feel more honoured than ever to be working with so many inspiring team members, partners and friends. We will keep this positive momentum propelling us forward in 2020 and look forward to many bigger and more green milestones on the horizon!

Welcome BJF Ambassador: Shannon O’Leary Joy

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We are extremely honoured to officially welcome to the team, our newest ambassador, Shannon O’Leary Joy!

As an environmentalist, ocean advocate and philanthropist, Shannon O’Leary Joy brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience to our diverse group of Ambassadors.

Shannon serves on the Board of Oceans 5, WildAid and on the Executive Committee of Mission Blue / Sylvia Earle Alliance. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Climate Emergency Fund and as Executive Director of the EarthSense Foundation.

Shannon supports the Black Jaguar Foundation’s work in Brazil, advocating for the preservation and restoration of the world’s forests. In addition, in 2019 Shannon co-financed the vital cost-benefit analysis study for Climate which values the reforestation tasks for the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. 

View her impressive profile here.

Become the new home of the BJF

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The Black Jaguar Foundation (BJF) is looking for a new sponsored home in Amsterdam. Your property can make a positive impact on our planet and increase its value at the same time!

Our current office, sponsored by Cinemeta, will soon be demolished, meaning this is your chance to become home to the office realising the longest biodiversity corridor on earth and one of the largest reforestation projects ever!

What we offer:

  • The opportunity to make your property CO2 neutral!
  • We will plant thousands of native trees in the heart of Brazil in your commercial property’s name, every year!
  • Exclusive PR & Communication rights as our exclusive Corporate Property Partner for Europe.
  • A unique work of art, a life-size Jaguar Sculpture, to be placed in your lobby, ensuring all your stakeholders will recognize that your company or property supports one of the largest reforestation projects on earth!
  • Together we can turn your entrance into a CO2 Neutral – Amazon Lobby! 
  • Extensive BJF-Partner PR Benefit Package (value €50K per 2 years).

What would we need?

Office space: Minimum 100 m2. Ideally separated in 3 spaces (Starting 1st April 2020)

  • office space up to 6 staff (40m2)
  • meeting room (40m2)
  • storage room (20m2)


  • Amsterdam areas: Zuid-Oost, Amstel station, Rai, Olympic stadium, Zuidas
  • Easy access from highway
  • 2 to 4 car-parking spaces


Together we WILL make a difference!

Join us for our 2020 Celebration event!

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We are honoured to invite you to our 2020 Milestone Celebration Event!

This time, the event will take place in Genk, Belgium, at the extraordinary LABIOMISTAhome to the enigmatic artworks of BJF Ambassador, Koen Vanmechelen. We have been permitted unique access to the restricted wing of LABIOMISTA for this exclusive event.

Official invites will be sent shortly, however, as we can only receive a limited number of guests, kindly reserve the date in your agenda and confirm your attendance at your earliest convenience. 

Fortunately, there are many milestones to celebrate with you on Saturday the 18th of April, and as we are expanding our reforestation in the field, we need you more than ever in 2020! We can thrive only because of the support we receive from you: our generous and invested network of partners, sponsors and friends.

So, on top of celebrating our milestones together, this event is to celebrate you! 

We hope to see you in Genk next year! 

The BJF Team & Ambassador Koen Vanmechelen