As the coming planting season approaches, we cannot forget about the trees we planted in the past planting seasons!
To take care of our planted trees, we carry out maintenance throughout the year, regardless of the season. Nevertheless, we choose to concentrate our efforts during specific periods. We started this process a little bit earlier this year, as we are completing our first million trees.
Maintenance consists of: removing invasive plants that eventually compete with our planted trees, carrying out complementary fertilization and guaranteeing that the fences and forest firebreaks (aceiros) surrounding the project areas stay functional. These activities are realized every four months, or until full canopy closure of the forest, and can take up to three years.
Have a look at some of our team carrying out maintenance below:
We also need to ensure an environment where our planted trees are able to grow and contribute to heathy and functioning ecosystems. In many cases, this means that we need to build fences.
Building Fences
Building fences is crucial to the protection of recently restored areas. Fences are needed in ecologically restored areas that are near cattle, to prevent these from eating or stepping on the young seedlings. This is a vital step in our cycle of ecological restoration, helping us to protect our young seedlings and ensure their growth.
All of this care is vital in ensuring healthy forests! Would you like to become part of our grand mission of hope? Donate a tree here.