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Giving Tuesday is here; a great opportunity to support a cause you, our planet and our future generations need.
The movement began in 2012, aiming to create one day with the purpose of supporting causes close to our hearts. It is now celebrated worldwide, at the start of the festive season every year. This year it will take place next week Tuesday, on November 29th.
It motivates us to see so many organizations and individuals united to promote a culture of giving in Brazil and around the world. The Black Jaguar Foundation is happy to join this movement, and you are all invited to join us.
To support the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor, you can contribute in many different ways:
Donate a Tree HERE
Give the gift of life on this Holiday season! Why not gift your loved ones some trees for Sinterklaas or Christmas? They will receive a personalized tree certificate showing where their trees will be planted along the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor! So, in addition to spreading joy, you will also be contributing to a greener planet.
Sponsor your window and join the first 600 community HERE
Join our first 600 community HERE and become one of The First 600 to sponsor one of the largest reforestation projects on earth. Your partnership and support is invaluable and will help to preserve our planet. Take this opportunity to help the BJF and its partners accomplish our ambitious mission of hope and action. You can join us on your own, with a company or as part of a group effort!
In our first years, we built a healthy base for our foundation, and our team grew to include over 140 professional volunteers from 14 different countries. With the passion and dedication from this team, we were able to start planting in 2018 and have since scaled up very quickly.
Buy a copy of No Risk, No Life – the origins of the Black Jaguar Foundation HERE
Did you know that our initiator, Ben Valks, launched a book together with Brenda Smeenge, explaining the origins of the Black Jaguar Foundation? It is an incredibly motivating story that will certainly inspire you, or whoever you choose to gift it to, to follow your dreams!
100 % of the book’s royalties are donated to the Black Jaguar Foundation, to complete the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor!
Help to promote the Black Jaguar Foundation’s mission of hope and action!
We understand that for many, donating is not an option. In this case, there are still many different ways for you to help us spread our mission. One of the most important ones is your very valuable voice. Feel free to share our content, tag your friends on our social media posts, and talk about the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor at family dinners. That’s what the BJF team does 24/7! It will make a difference and the planet will thank us for it.
We hope that you choose to participate in this Giving Tuesday in some way. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you would like some more information about how you can help. As always, thank for your continuous support!
Our field teams are in full preparation mode, preparing the soil and putting this planting season’s first seedlings in the ground!
As always, the team has been incredible this year, adapting and creating solutions to plant as many native trees as possible despite the challenges we have faced.
During the last planting season, we observed incredibly positive results when planting via direct seeding. For this reason, we have decided to use direct seeding as a restoration method for around half of our restoration areas.
What is direct seeding?
Direct seeding refers to planting native seeds directly in the area to be restored. Have a look at how this technique looks below:
Our team usually grows during the planting season, so that we can plant as many native trees as possible. This makes safety measures especially important during this time. To ensure the well-being of the team, our dedicated work safety engineer, Matheus Monteiro dos Santos, has been working hard to develop health and safety measures and ensure that these are in place at all of our restoration sites and nurseries.
Health and safety procedures
Before our team starts carrying our ecological restoration, they go through different medical exams, as well as practical and theory training sessions in work safety, and safe operation of machinery.
Have a look at some of the BJF team after their first theoretical and practical training sessions:
Join us on this mission of hope and action to realize the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor by donating a tree.
Two years ago, we planted many native trees, of only 30 cm in height. Now, many of these trees have grown to over four meters high!
We have also been finding regenerating species that were not planted by us, which is one of the best signs that our ecological restoration efforts are working.
Watch our forest engineer Dimitrio Schievenin explain the wonderful growth of our trees:
Walk through this 1.5 year old restoration site with our community outreach coordinator Joël Boele!
What else do healthy forests have? Seeds!! We are happy to share that many seeds have also been growing on our trees.
Have a look at the seeds growing on our trees!
None of this would have been possible without all of the support we receive from our wonderful sponsor partners. Thank you for your commitment to realising the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. Below, please see a video message from our initiator Ben Valks, straight from the field!
These healthy and resilient trees, growing at the heart of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor, are only the start. It motivates us to see how far our restoration efforts have come, and we look forward to planting many more trees!
Please click on “full screen” on the right bottom to see the report in an optimised way.
Independent Auditor Reports 2021: Brazil
Independent Auditor Reports 2021: The Netherlands
We are thrilled to share all of our achievements in 2021 with you, and excited for all that 2022 will bring!
Please click on “full screen” on the right bottom to see the report in an optimised way.
The 2021 BJF Annual Report also includes combined, consolidated finances for Black Jaguar Foundation’s branches in Brazil and The Netherlands. These finances are audited by Bakertilly.
The Dutch and Brazilian entities are separate legal entities and administer their finances in two separate systems. Although we are not legally an integrated organisation, we act as such and have therefore decided to present you our combined financial statements.