The Black Jaguar team took part in a workshop held by ISPN (Institute for Society, Population and Nature), alongside other associations and institutes selected to develop eco-social projects through the 38th Ecos Fund Grant. The initiative is supported by the Socio-Environmental Fund of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).
The funding will support the BJF Araguaia Seed Network in achieving more autonomy and expanding the impact of our seed collector groups.
About ISPN
ISPN is a non-profit organization founded in 1990, with the mission of promoting social equity and environmental balance by strengthening sustainable livelihoods and climate adaptation strategies.
Launched in 1994, the Ecos Fund, managed by ISPN, is a funding mechanism that supports projects led by non-profit associations and grassroots cooperatives. It focuses on the relationship between traditional communities, family farmers, and Indigenous peoples with the environment, emphasizing sustainable livelihoods that contribute to environmental benefits in line with international agreements and national policies. The fund has already launched 44 calls for proposals, supporting 938 projects.
The 38th call is part of the Youth Leadership and Rural Feminism project, implemented by ISPN with financial support from the BNDES Socio-Environmental Fund and the Social Development division of Suzano. This initiative funds community projects that strengthen sustainable productive activities and rural contextualized education.
This edition specifically selected community socio-environmental projects led by women or young people, focusing on initiatives that promote mitigation, vulnerability reduction, and adaptation to climate change.
A lot of impact is on the horizon! And Black Jaguar Foundation already feels victorious seeing Ressemear recognized as a project that contributes to the socio-environmental development of women in the Araguaia region!
Other selected organizations:
- AMA – Associação de Mulheres Agroextrativistas da APA Cantão
- ASMUBIP – Associação das Mulheres Trabalhadoras Rurais do Bico do Papagaio.
- AMAE – Associação de Mulheres Artesãs e Empreendedoras de Lajeado
- ICAPIB – Instituto de Caciques e Povos Indígenas na Ilha do Bananal
- APAS – Associação dos Pequenos Apicultores do Projeto SUDAM
- AGROP – Associação dos Agricultores Familiares e Agroindustriais de Palmas
- Escola Família Agrícola de Porto Nacional
- Associação Indígena Apinajé Pyka Mex