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Black Jaguar Foundation participates in the training workshop of the 38th Ecos Fund Grant

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The Black Jaguar team took part in a workshop held by ISPN (Institute for Society, Population and Nature), alongside other associations and institutes selected to develop eco-social projects through the 38th Ecos Fund Grant. The initiative is supported by the Socio-Environmental Fund of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).

The funding will support the BJF Araguaia Seed Network in achieving more autonomy and expanding the impact of our seed collector groups.


About ISPN

ISPN is a non-profit organization founded in 1990, with the mission of promoting social equity and environmental balance by strengthening sustainable livelihoods and climate adaptation strategies.   

Launched in 1994, the Ecos Fund, managed by ISPN, is a funding mechanism that supports projects led by non-profit associations and grassroots cooperatives. It focuses on the relationship between traditional communities, family farmers, and Indigenous peoples with the environment, emphasizing sustainable livelihoods that contribute to environmental benefits in line with international agreements and national policies. The fund has already launched 44 calls for proposals, supporting 938 projects. 

The 38th call is part of the Youth Leadership and Rural Feminism project, implemented by ISPN with financial support from the BNDES Socio-Environmental Fund and the Social Development division of Suzano. This initiative funds community projects that strengthen sustainable productive activities and rural contextualized education. 

This edition specifically selected community socio-environmental projects led by women or young people, focusing on initiatives that promote mitigation, vulnerability reduction, and adaptation to climate change. 

A lot of impact is on the horizon! And Black Jaguar Foundation already feels victorious seeing Ressemear recognized as a project that contributes to the socio-environmental development of women in the Araguaia region! 


Other selected organizations: 

  • AMA – Associação de Mulheres Agroextrativistas da APA Cantão
  • ASMUBIP – Associação das Mulheres Trabalhadoras Rurais do Bico do Papagaio.
  • AMAE – Associação de Mulheres Artesãs e Empreendedoras de Lajeado
  • ICAPIB – Instituto de Caciques e Povos Indígenas na Ilha do Bananal
  • APAS – Associação dos Pequenos Apicultores do Projeto SUDAM
  • AGROP – Associação dos Agricultores Familiares e Agroindustriais de Palmas
  • Escola Família Agrícola de Porto Nacional
  • Associação Indígena Apinajé Pyka Mex 
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Get to know the new warehouse of the Black Jaguar Foundation in Santana do Araguaia (Pará, Brazil)!

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The Black Jaguar Foundation now has a new warehouse located on the main road to Santana do Araguaia (Pará, Brazil), which makes it much easier for our suppliers to deliver and pick up materials for our ecological restoration activities. The new space is 330m², and includes an office and three storage rooms – one of which is refrigerated 24/7 to properly store large quantities of native seeds that will be used for seedling production or muvuca (a mix of different native seed species) used for the direct seeding technique.

This new warehouse is a major achievement for us! It allows us to properly store seeds purchased from Ressemear, as well as work tools, personal protective equipment (PPE), and uniforms.

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Our initiator Ben Valks starts building relations for the second hub of ecological restoration in Xinguara (Pará/Brazil)

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Our initiator, Ben Valks, traveled to Xinguara (Pará, Brazil) to meet with Antônio Guimarães, the municipal secretary of environment, sanitation, and tourism. The goal of the visit was to start conversations on establishing a second ecological restoration hub in the state of Pará.

Ben Valks presented the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor and spoke with the secretary, who showed great interest in joining the project and promoting ecological restoration on farms in the region!

Check out the testimonial that Antônio Guimarães recorded after the project presentation: 

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Women’s History Month: meet the stories of the women seed collectors of Ressemear!

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During Women’s History Month, we want to celebrate the women seed collectors who are members of the BJF Araguaia Seed Network. Currently, 70% of the network is made up of women. Each with her own story – one even more inspiring than the next – responsible for making this initiative possible.

To honor them, we invited them to share their stories and talk about how the BJF Araguaia Seed Network has impacted their lives. Shall we watch together? Let’s watch their stories together!


Socorro explains how collecting seeds has improved her income and complemented the work she already does as an extractivist at the Ama Cantão.

Now the native seeds are sold to the Black Jaguar Foundation and other ecological restoration projects, while the rest of the fruit is used to make flours, vinegars and other delicious products!


Meet Teresinha, from Barreira do Campo. By collecting and selling seeds, Teresinha can now help her daughter pay for college. In addition to contributing to the restoration of ecosystems, Ressemear (The BJF Araguaia Seed Network) sows dreams!


Meet Samara, from Barreira do Campo, and find out how she balances her work routine with seed collection!

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Embassy of the Netherlands in Brazil visits the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor

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The Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor continues to draw attention and receive visitors! This time, we had a very special visit of: Mr. André Driessen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Brazil, and Mr. Emiel Mulder, Biodiversity Counselor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brazil.

During the visit, our guests had the opportunity to see firsthand the work carried out by the Black Jaguar Foundation. It was a great opportunity to showcase the stages of the restoration cycle—from seed collection, nursery production, and community engagement to partnerships with local landowners and, finally, the gradual transformation of degraded areas into resilient forests. 

Check out more images from the visit: 

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Join our team in Amsterdam: We’re looking for a Senior Partnerships Coordinator Europe

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Are you ready to make a real, lasting impact on our planet? We are leading one of the world’s largest reforestation projects: the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor in Brazil. 

We are not just planting trees, but restoring entire ecosystems, rebuilding biodiversity, and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. Our approach is rooted in science, innovation, and collaboration with local communities and global partners, thereby reviving landscapes, creating green jobs, and inspiring a new era of environmental stewardship.  

With over 1 million trees planted and strong partnerships, we are scaling up. To drive this growth, we are seeking a Senior Partnerships Coordinator Europe —a purpose-driven connector ready to turn ambition into action, bringing hope for future generations.  

The Role   

As Senior Partnerships Coordinator Europe, you will cultivate relationships with high-net-worth individuals, philanthropic organizations and corporate sponsors, inspiring them with BJF’s mission as well as with your own story, to invest in one of the world’s most ambitious restoration projects.  

Besides strengthening the existing partnerships (e.g. UBS Optimus Foundation) and networks in Europe, you will be creating new connections as well. This role is both strategic and hands-on: building trust, crafting compelling narratives, and negotiating high-value partnerships. More than fundraising, you will be selling hope and a vision for a thriving planet.  

If you are a natural connector with a passion for sustainability, philanthropy, and high-impact fundraising, this is your opportunity to be part of something truly meaningful and leave a lasting legacy.  



If you are excited about the opportunity to help drive one of the most impactful reforestation initiatives globally, we invite you to apply HERE. 

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.

Another round of symbolic planting with farmers and their children

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For the second consecutive year, we invited partner farmers and their children to take part in a symbolic planting event! 

This activity is especially symbolic as we will watch these trees grow alongside the children who, in the future, will be responsible for their preservation. 

The Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor proves that environmental care and agriculture can go hand in hand. After all, together we are much stronger! 

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.

Watch the 1st Ressemear meeting video and be inspired by the local communities!

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The 1st Ressemear meeting, held last October, was incredible! Since it’s impossible to describe everything that happened over those two days, we’ve put together a video highlighting the most memorable moments and testimonials from those who made a difference. Get inspired by this amazing community mobilization project in the Araguaia region! 

1st Ressemear Meeting

After almost three years of community engagement work in the Araguaia region, the Black Jaguar Foundation organized the 1st Ressemear meeting – the BJF Araguaia Seed Network, in Santana do Araguaia (Pará). 

The event brought together seed collectors from Pará and Tocantins, the Black Jaguar team – responsible for founding and developing the initiative – and representatives from Redário, the Xingu Seed Network, and other external buyers. 

Beyond discussions on seed network organization in Brazil, we celebrated 2024’s achievements and recognized collectors who stood out for the quantity and variety of seeds collected. 

Collectors also visited the Black Jaguar Foundation’s nursery, where the magic happens – the place where most of their collected seeds become seedlings or a beautiful muvuca to restore the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. 

On the second day, the collectors participated in roundtable discussions to determine the next steps for Ressemear. 

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.

Environmental education: The impact of the Black Jaguar Foundation in 2024

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Environmental education is essential to reinforce awareness about the importance of preserving our forests. That’s why, in 2024, we intensified our visits to schools and educational institutions in Santana do Araguaia. The results were remarkable! Check it out: 

Over 12 months, we carried out 15 environmental education activities in 7 educational institutions, impacting more than 1,600 children in Santana do Araguaia (Pará). And the best part? They loved it! Look: 


To make learning more fun, the Black Jaguar Foundation created a comic book to illustrate our work in the Araguaia region and highlight the importance of preserving and restoring the Amazon and Cerrado biomes. We’re sure the children of Santana do Araguaia are already active agents of transformation in protecting our biomes! 

Help us expand our environmental education efforts in the Araguaia region. Future generations will be responsible for caring for the environment and preserving the biodiversity of our ecosystems.

Contribute to the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor here. 

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.

2024/2025 Planting Season: More than 200 hectares across 11 farms

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We are nearing the end of another planting season! Right now, our field team is focused on planting in the last partner farms. Over the past few months, we have restored more than 200 hectares across 11 farms in Pará and Tocantins – hundreds of thousands of young trees are already growing in the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. Check it out: 

Besides the final plantings, we are also working on the maintenance of areas that were restored between October and December – the first months of this rainy season. This ensures the perfect development of the young trees growing in these regions. 

Seedling production for the 2025/2026 planting season has already begun!

Since our work never stops, planning for the next rainy season is already underway, and our forest nursery is producing the seedlings that will be planted in the 2025/2026 planting season. 

To achieve this, we have also started purchasing seeds collected by Ressemear, the native seed collective mobilized by the Black Jaguar Foundation. 

The ecological restoration chain not only benefits the environment but also local communities – providing them with a way to improve their quality of life through standing forests. 

Join us and contribute to the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor! 

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.