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BJF team participates in celebration event for the largest seed-network in Brazil!

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The Araguaia Seed Collection Collective is an initiative started by the Black Jaguar Foundation to provide seeds for our mission of ecological restoration that has already shown great benefits to local communities and the Araguaia Biodiversity corridor. The initiative is relatively young, and we would like to develop it so that it can reach its full potential in generating a positive impact for society and the planet. That’s why we take pride in learning from the Xingu Seed Network (Rede de Sementes do Xingu), which is the biggest seed network in Brazil, and has already been collecting seeds for 15 years! The Xingu Seed Network focusses on collecting high quality diverse native seeds while bringing together different communities and valuing their land and culture. Their collectors include indigenous groups, small-scale farmers, and those engaged in urban agriculture. Most of the collectors are indigenous women, and the network prides itself in how it brings together different groups.

With this in mind, our seed production analyst, Laís D’Ísep, participated in the 15 year celebration event for the Xingu Seed Network!  The festivities brought together seed collectors, representatives of organizations, journalists and supporters from all over Brazil, eager to share experiences and knowledge to accomplish one common goal: restoring our planet’s socio-biodiversity.

The event was held at the Pavuru Pole and at the Moygu village, Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX), Mato Grosso, on the banks of the Xingu River. The Ikpeng indigenous people live there and it is the base of opperations for the Yarang Women’s Movement – a group that is part of the Xingu Seeds Network along with 24 other communities.

Some highlights from the 15 year celebration event

On the first day of the event, 210 participants listened to speeches by leaders of the seed collection groups organized by Rede de Sementes do Xingu and other organizations. They spoke about how the seed collective is inspiring different groups to work together. Indigenous cultural presentations were also performed, including a celebratory dance by the Ikpeng community that was present.

On the following day, participants were invited to collect amescla seeds from the forest’s floor. The activitity was carried out together with women belonging to the Yarang community, who are usually responsible for this job, and conduct it while singing.

Afterwards, some of Rede de Sementes do Xingu’s most successful initiatives were presented, including their work with youth groups and other initiatives generating a positive social impact. In the afternoon, everyone came together to carry out muvuca and each participant was allowed to take some seeds home.

At night, a forró contest was organized to close the celebration and, the next day, everyone returned to Canarana (MT).

The First Encontro do REDÁRIO

The Araguaia Seed Collection Collective has also recently participated in the first Encontro do Redario!

The Encontro do Redário is an initiative that aims to bring together different seed collectives in Brazil, as well as associations of collectors, academia and other organizations that offer technical, legal and commercial support to seed collectives.

The first edition of this event took place at Aldeia Multiétnica, in Chapada dos Veadeiros – Alto Paraíso de Goiás. Its main objective was to create a space where participants could exchange experiences and build what they believe Redário is and can become.

Instituto Natureza do Tocantins visits the new BJF nursery

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To celebrate the Brazilian Nature Day on October 4th, Instituto Natureza do Tocantins (NATURATINS)’s technical team visited our new native seedling nursery in Santana do Araguaia!

 The organization is responsible for the implementation of public policies aimed at preserving and conserving natural resources in Tocantins. They visited our nursery to understand the processes involved in seedling production and use this to re-operationalise the nursery in the Cantão State park (Parque estadual do cantão).

During the visit, Norivânia Diniz, who is responsible for coordinating the Black Jaguar Foundation’s nursery team, explained the different areas of our nursery, the machinery that we use and the processes involved in seedling production. Seedling production starts with the substrate and sowing of the seeds, to ensuring the seedlings have become resilient enough to be planted, and finally the transporting of seeds to our ecological restoration sites.

In addition to monitoring the day-to-day work in our nursery, the NATURATINS technical team was also able to ask the BJF team all of their questions. “Since they would like to re-operationalise a small nursery, like the one we had at Fazenda Santa Fé, I was able to share my experiences and explain how we carried out the activities there”, explains Norivânia.

We are very proud to provide an example of the successful production of seedlings in the Araguaia region and hope to that our contribution to the ecological restoration of our forests grows a little bit more every day!

Find our more about how NATURATINS celebrated Brazilian nature here

The BJF presents the closing Keynote speech at the Esri Netherlands GIS conference 2022

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The 29th edition of the Esri Netherlands GIS conference that took place in Rotterdam’s World Trade Center last month welcomed almost 1400 participants and was a big success. With companies from a variety of different sectors coming together to share how they use Esri’s software, it provided a wonderful opportunity to promote our mission of hope and action and learn from other organisations.

A big thank you to Esri Netherlands for inviting our initiator Ben Valks and Community Outreach Coordinator Joël Boele to explain how we are making use of their geo-information software to restore the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor and work towards a healthy planet for future generations.

The conference took place over the course of two days, and with this item we would like to bring to you some of the second day’s highlights, where the BJF gave the closing presentation.

The Black Jaguar Foundation presented the closing Keynote speech! 

We were honoured to provide the closing presentation for the Esri Netherlands conference. Joël Boele (Community Outreach Coordinator) and Ben Valks (Initiator) explained our how we plan to plant 1,7 billion native trees in the Amazon Rainforest and Cerrado Savanna over the course of 30 years.

As Ben beautifully put it : “We have no plan B because there is no planet B“. The time to act is now and it is definitely too late to be a pessimist. It is safe to say that the entire conference room was inspired by Ben and Joël’s drive and inspiring words.

Joël dove into how we are currently using Esri to realise the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. She explained that first, we use Esri’s software to create maps, showing which areas are available for ecological restoration, and giving us an idea of how simple they are to access. These observations, together with satellite images and field visits, allow us to validate different areas for restoration, decide on which restoration methods are needed, and which species of trees should be planted in the designated areas.
Finally, the room was left in an atmosphere of hope. With the message that nature CAN be restored, if we listen and work with it. Thank you Esri for all of your support, and for organizing this wonderful event!

Finally, the room was left in an atmosphere of hope. With the message that nature CAN be restored, if we listen and work with it. Thank you Esri for all of your support, and for organizing this wonderful event!

Have a look at how the presentations went via the following video (please be aware that it is in Dutch!)
How is Esri supporting our mission?

Currently, Esri Netherlands is providing both financial and technical support to our grand mission of restoring the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor. Esri’s ArcGIS Platform supports the BJF in gathering data of all sorts, so that we can reach objective answers to difficult challenges.

More recently, Esri released a podcast of our initiator Ben Valks and Community Outreach Coordinator Joel Boele, recorded during the conference. You can access this in their podcast “Something Spacial” , via this link.

We are determined to build a greener planet, together with our partner farmers, and sponsor partners like ESRI who are incredibly motivated to help us realise our mission.

Find out more about our partnership with Esri on their first 600 page here! Together, we are stronger.
A closer look at the rest of the sessions, which were full of innovation!
Data driven work

Bas Bijtelaar (Esri’s senior manager business development) started the second part of the plenary program with “Footprints”, a beautiful song he played on his saxophone to highlight the importance of leaving positive footprints on our planet. Bas emphasised the importance of data driven work and the role that geo information systems play in this. We were grateful to be given the opportunity to follow his great performance and insights.

The morning sessions

The second day of the conference was opened by Esri’s directors, Ed van Ingen en Jurgen ten Siethof, and revolved around the theme : “innovating together”. During the plenary session that followed, two of Vitens’ key members, Matthijs Zwart (Chief Information Officer and Chief Information Security Officer) and Tyrza Niemeije (product owner Digital Twin distributie), explained how Vitens uses Esri software to ensure the sustainable distribution of drinking water.

As Matthijs beautifully put it: “A mission creates a team”. This is very much something we relate to, here at the Black Jaguar Foundation. It was great to see a drive to preserve our planet’s resources, present in other companies making use of ESRI software as well.


Together with Jan Peter ter Maaten (service owner and product owner GIS), Paulus Eckhardt, Volker Wessels’ director of digitization explained how the company is making use of ESRI software to to manage their clients’ information and deal with every-day challenges.

A big thank you to Esri Netherlands for organising this wonderful event!

Get to know the World Rainforest Day community

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While conducting our grand mission of ecological restoration, we cannot forget that we are not alone. Many other organizations are also engaged in beautiful projects to protect and restore our planet. That’s why we have joined the World Rainforest Day community, which is a branch of Rainforest Partnership.

About the World Rainforest Day Community

The World Rainforest Day community was founded in 2017 by Rainforest Partnership, aiming to create a global movement to protect and restore healthy forests. They connect forest-focused organizations with new partners, including non-environmental sectors, and aspiring rainforest guardians.

At the moment, their community consists mainly of rainforest organizations, indigenous groups, policy representatives, youth leaders, the private sector, and creative guilds.

About Rainforest partnership

Rainforest Partnership protects tropical rainforests by working directly with local and indigenous communities, organizations, and governments at all levels in community-centered conservation projects.

In addition to founding World Rainforest Day, Rainforest Partnership also works on the ground with local and indigenous communities in Peru and Ecuador. The images below show the Rainforest Partnership team at work! In the first image, they are at the at COP26 in Glasgow, UK , while the second image shows the Rainforest Partnership team and advisors (including Niyanta Spelman, founder & CEO, and Raina Chinitz, Ecuador projects coordinator) with their partners on the ground (Sani Warmi, a women-led organization) in Sani Isla, Ecuador.

Why protect rainforests?

As the World Rainforest Day Community explains, Rainforests are a type of forest where rainfall is continuous and abundant all year round, commonly found in temperate regions. Though they only cover around 6% of the Earth’s surface, they provide a habitat to around 50% of all terrestrial biodiversity found in the world!

Rainforests provide the world with natural resources, including fresh air, filtered water, and medicine. They are also the source of many of the products we use daily, including coffee, cacao, spices, common fruits and vegetables, to name a few. Notably, products like beef and the palm oil found in shampoo and many common hygiene and food products are directly related to rainforest deforestation worldwide. This makes it pertinent for consumers globally to look into where their products come from, and how they are produced.

The Black Jaguar Foundation aims to show that agriculture and ecological restoration can walk together, and we are happy to be part of the World Rainforest Day community.

With the support of likeminded individuals and organizations, we can work towards a healthy planet for our future generations!

Find out how you can join the World Rainforest Day community here.

Support the Araguaia Seed Collection Collective!

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The Araguaia Seed Collection Collective is currently in the running for a grant, financed by Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)! The first stage of the challenge involves online voting, until the 15th of October, and your help is needed! Watch the video linked below and get to know the project.

To support our application, click on the link below, register in the GLF platform, like and comment on our video. Each like is worth 3 points and each comment 5 points. Navigating the platform will take a few minutes of your time but will greatly help our team and the communities they support daily!


To support us, you can:

✓ Register in the GLX platform

✓ Like the video

✓ Comment on the video

✓ Share with your friends!



The Araguaia Seed Collection Collective is an initiative started by the Black Jaguar Foundation’s team together with local communities in Caseara and Marianópolis, in the state of Tocantins. The initiative started as a means of providing our project with seeds however also shows great potential to complement the income of local communities living near the Araguaia River.

This year, we have started training sessions for communities living in settlements in the Araguaia region! We have germinated many of these seeds in the new BJF nursery, and some of the seedlings will be planted during this planting season. Further, our field team is currently visiting many different communities, providing training sessions and technical equipment, to incentivise individuals to become a part of our project.

We need your help to expand and strengthen this initiative in 2023! Will you join us in supporting communities with a complementary income and promoting the conservation of forests?


It’s too late to be a pessimist, and we need your support to realise the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor!


The 22/23 planting season has started!

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Our field teams are in full preparation mode, preparing the soil and putting this planting season’s first seedlings in the ground!  

As always, the team has been incredible this year, adapting and creating solutions to plant as many native trees as possible despite the challenges we have faced. 

During the last planting season, we observed incredibly positive results when planting via direct seeding. For this reason, we have decided to use direct seeding as a restoration method for around half of our restoration areas.  

What is direct seeding?

Direct seeding refers to planting native seeds directly in the area to be restored. Have a look at how this technique looks below:  

Our team usually grows during the planting season, so that we can plant as many native trees as possible. This makes safety measures especially important during this time. To ensure the well-being of the team, our dedicated work safety engineer, Matheus Monteiro dos Santos, has been working hard to develop health and safety measures and ensure that these are in place at all of our restoration sites and nurseries. 

Health and safety procedures

Before our team starts carrying our ecological restoration, they go through different medical exams, as well as practical and theory training sessions in work safety, and safe operation of machinery.  

Have a look at some of the BJF team after their first theoretical and practical training sessions:

Join us on this mission of hope and action to realize the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor by donating a tree. 



Royal De Heus visits the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor!

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The Brazilian division of our partner Royal De Heus has recently visited the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor and seen every single one of the projects that they are currently contributing to. The visit lasted three days, and included trips to the new BJF nursery, our restoration sites, and meeting the Araguaia Seed Collection Collective.

The 13 members of the Royal De Heus team that travelled with us to Santana do Araguaia showed great enthusiasm throughout the visit and even helped us plant some trees and grow seedlings in our new nursery!

They were all incredibly excited to see the project and the positive socio environmental impact that it is generating in action.


After the visit, Edmilson Ribeiro, the director of Human resources for De Heus Brasil, shared with us the following words:

“We cannot find the words to describe how happy we are with all that we saw last week. We feel incredibly proud of this partnership and the positive impact on nature that we are promoting. Simply amazing”. 

We are incredibly touched by these warm words, and grateful for all of the support that Royal De Heus has provided over the years!


De Heus was once of our greatest supporters in building the new BJF nursery, which will have the capacity to grow 500 thousand native tree seedlings annually! That’s why we decided to start our tour of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor with a symbolic inauguration of the BJF nursery.

In the following day, our nursery team, led by our seed production analyst Norivânia Diniz, walked the De Heus team through some of the main activities conducted in the nursery and provided an explanation of how we grow healthy seedlings to become resilient trees.

We also organised some more practical activities, where our partners got their hands dirty, helped us germinate many seeds, and even planted their own trees!



In the afternoon, we visited some the areas being restored in the Santa Fé farm and our field coordinator, Carlos Eduardo Oliveira, explained the different planting techniques currently being used in different areas. We could already see significant growth of native vegetation planted 12 and 24 months ago!

Throughout the planting activities, the De Heus team also saw some of the biodiversity present in the region and was inspired by all of the beauty that nature provides.




During the dry season, the Araguaia region is prone to forest fires. This makes fire prevention and control incredibly important.  De Heus is aware of this, and therefore supported us in creating Caseara’s first fire brigade!

We were able to visit the fire brigade – which is already in motion and considered to be one of the most active brigades in the region – present our partners to the volunteer fire fighters, and speak to Paulo Roberto, Caseara’s secretary of environment and tourism.

It was inspiring to see the brigade in action, working to contain fires. A big thank you to De Heus for making this possible!




The Araguaia Seed collection collective is another one of our projects supported by De Heus, which will have a massive impact on this and in future planting seasons!

Despite this being a recently established initiative, the De Heus team was already able  to collect seeds, participate in the first purchases of seeds, and talk to some of our seed collectors!

Our longstanding partnership with De Heus

With the global demand for food on the rise, feeding the planet while safeguarding our ecosystems is an ever-growing challenge.  

Our longstanding partner Royal De Heus is working to help farmers produce food more efficiently, in a way that safeguards natural resources as much as possible. That’s why they have chosen to support the Black Jaguar Foundation in realising the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor!  

On August 17 2021 De Heus Animal Nutrition signed a long-term partnership with the Black Jaguar Foundation to support our efforts in realising one of the longest nature corridors on earth: The Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor.  

We are incredibly grateful to De Heus for all of their support. Thanks to them and many of our other wonderful partners, we have been able to make great progress with the new BJF nursery, collect many seeds with the Araguaia Seed Collection Collective, and train capable firefighters to protect our planted trees!  

 This partnership will certainly play an important role in bringing together agriculture and environment! We are excited to see the ever-growing trust placed on our organisation, and hopeful for all the milestones that will certainly come with it. 



Would you like to join us in creating a better world for our future generations? Find out how you can do so as a first 600 sponsor partner here

Learn more about our partnership with De Heus here.  

The Importance of native vegetation in keeping the Araguaia River alive

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The Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor will consist of strips of ecologically restored land that connect isolated ‘islands’ of pristine and intact nature. In doing so, it also contributes to keeping the Araguaia River alive, as a lot depends on the river. Not only for fresh water, but also for transport, species in and alongside the river and as a source of cooling amongst many other important ecosystem services.

How does native vegetation (trees!) keep rivers healthy?

The vegetation that is found on river margins, often referred to as riparian vegetation, is vital for the preservation of different processes that occur naturally in and around rivers. Such processes include:  

  1. The purification of water 

    Did you know that trees help to filter water? They do this by first absorbing the water through their leaves, and then releasing it as 1) water vapor and 2) through their roots. In absorbing rainwater, trees also absorb the nutrients that may have been picked up from excess fertilizer or animal waste. In doing so, they lower the amount of pollutants in our rivers.

  2.  Providing shade and shelter to aquatic animals  

    By providing shade during periods with high temperatures, trees help to reduce the water temperature, and keep oxygen in the water which helps preserve aquatic organisms.  

  3. Stabilising river banks and reducing bank erosion. 

    Erosion and sedimentation are natural processes, but can also generate problems for the river’s health. The presence of too much sediment in the water reduces water quality and can lower the river’s ability to flow, meaning that the quantity of water present can also decrease.  By stabilising river banks, trees reduce erosion and limit the amount of sediments that fall into the river.  

Why is the Araguaia region important for our planet?

The Araguaia and Bananal lowland regions island regions were identified by ministry of environment as priority areas for conservation due to their high biodiversity and vast flooding regions. Also the Cerrado and Amazon are inseparable connected by soil, air and the rivers.

At Black Jaguar Foundation all our efforts are to realise the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor because we believe that it truly has the size to make a difference. Would you like to join our mission of hope and action? Donate a tree here 

Training the Araguaia Seed Collection Collective

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In preparation for this planting season, our team has been working hard to collect seeds with the Araguaia Seed Collection Collective, led by Laís D’Ísep dos Santos.  

So far, we have already bought seeds of around 11 different native tree species! The seeds we have purchased are mainly caju (cashew) seeds, since there is an abundance of these in the settlements that are near our restoration sites.  

Currently, we have 18 participants who are actively collecting seeds and over 100 other people recently received the first two modules of seed collective training.

We plan to complete this first cycle, consisting of four modules of training sessions, by the end of this year.  

The Seed Collection Collective will focus on the following native species this year:

Popular name   Scientific name  
Aroeira verdadeira  Astronium urundeuva 
Baru  Dipteryx alata 
Cashew  Anacardium occidentale 
Copaíba  Copaifera spp. 
Embaúba  Cecropia pachystachya 
Favela/orelha  Enterolobium schomburgkii 
Guarita  Astronium fraxinifolium 
Jatobá  Hymenaea courbaril 
Melzinho/mamoninha do mato  Mabea spp. 
Monjoleiro  Senegalia polyphylla 
Mutamba  Guazuma ulmifolia 
Pente-de-macaco  Apeiba timbourbou 
Tamboril/orelha  Enterolobium timbouva 
Urucum plantado  Bixa orellana
Xixá  Sterculia spp. 

Have a look at the first two modules for our seed collective training below!  

Contact4You supports the BJF!

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Our new partner Contact4You believes that making a difference always starts with yourself. That’s why they have partnered with the Black Jaguar Foundation!  

The organisation carefully considers sustainability in every decision they make. Internally, Contact4You has already started to:  

  1.  Separate waste 
  2.  Support local entrepreneurs 
  3. Make use of electric cars 
  4. Encourage their employees to work hybrid  

Reforestation affects all of our lives. Today, but also in the future. From the air that we breathe, to the water we drink, to the medicines we take, we are all dependent on the health of our ecosystems.

Contact4You joined the BJF community of sponsor partners in July 2022. A big thank you to them for choosing to invest in our mission of hope and action and ensure a healthy planet for our future generations.  

 At the Black Jaguar Foundation, we are currently working to realise the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor so that it can become the longest nature corridor on Earth with 2600 km in length and 40 km in width. 

 Together we CAN make the difference. Find out how you can become a BJF partner here and get to know one of our newest partners in their first 600 page! multichannel customer service specialist