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We have concluded the 2023/2024 Planting Season!

By 19. May 2024May 23rd, 2024News Home

We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed another planting season in the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor! At the moment, our field team is consolidating the final numbers to present to you, but we can say that we have made progress in creating one of the largest ecological corridors in the world!

This season, we started by planting seedlings, continued with direct sowing and left natural regeneration to be carried out in the last months of the rainy season.

We are very proud of our field team, who spared no effort to achieve the goals we had set at the beginning of 2023. And even with all the unforeseen events, such as the storm that hit the nursery last October, they managed to deliver incredible results!

Preparations for the 2024/2025 Planting Season

But that doesn’t mean the work is over! On the contrary, while we count the results achieved in this rainy season, we are already focusing on preparations for the 2024/2025 Planting Season.

In the coming months, we will focus on defining the areas that will be planted in a few months, organizing all logistics, hiring reinforcements for our team, purchasing native seeds collected by Ressemear and producing seedlings in our recently rebuilt nursery.

There will be months of intense work leading up to the official start of the next planting season. And we can guarantee that we are looking forward to putting new seedlings and seeds in the soil of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor!

Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.