We would like to introduce you to Bioflora: one of our key technical partners in Brazil and in charge of carrying out our 6.000 ha pilot project. The company is one of the leading companies in Brazil specialized in forest restoration. For over 20 years, they’ve been developing innovative reforestation techniques to restore degraded areas in large scale.
Bioflora works in close cooperation with the agronomy division of Universidade de São Paulo (LERF/ESALQ/USP), one of the most reputed universities in Brazil and one of the highest ranked in Latin America.
In 2015, Bioflora accomplished a massive 3,2 million ha mapping project in Xingu on behalf of the local authorities in the Amazon provinces of Brazil. Bioflora’s tree-nursery in Piracicaba (SP) produces 4 million trees of over 200 native species per year.