The dawn of 2016 has brought the first BJF field project. Our goal is to implement a first case of forest restoration that will serve as a model to the all Araguaia Corridor Zone. Fully financed by BJF, this fundamental mission is being carried out by two Brazilian and experienced technical partners: LERF (Ecology and Forest Restoration of the Laboratory University of São Paulo) and BIOFLORA (company specialised in implementing forest restoration projects). Both of them are located in Piracicaba (164km from São Paulo).
The first step of this pilot-project is to map a total area of 6.000 hectares in three different regions within the Araguaia Corridor Zone: Caseara (Tocantins), Marabá and Limoeiro do Ajuru (Pará). Identifying the landowners, examining the land-borders and the land-use are just the first 3 elements of the Mapping Project Process.
The second step is to start our Reforestation effort in this area according to the environmental laws of Brazil. Not only will the selected landowners satisfy these laws, they will also be able to grow forests that generate extra income with native trees.
This pilot-project has already set sail and all partners and landowners are excited with its progress.