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Join us for our 2020 Celebration event!

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We are honoured to invite you to our 2020 Milestone Celebration Event!

This time, the event will take place in Genk, Belgium, at the extraordinary LABIOMISTAhome to the enigmatic artworks of BJF Ambassador, Koen Vanmechelen. We have been permitted unique access to the restricted wing of LABIOMISTA for this exclusive event.

Official invites will be sent shortly, however, as we can only receive a limited number of guests, kindly reserve the date in your agenda and confirm your attendance at your earliest convenience. 

Fortunately, there are many milestones to celebrate with you on Saturday the 18th of April, and as we are expanding our reforestation in the field, we need you more than ever in 2020! We can thrive only because of the support we receive from you: our generous and invested network of partners, sponsors and friends.

So, on top of celebrating our milestones together, this event is to celebrate you! 

We hope to see you in Genk next year! 

The BJF Team & Ambassador Koen Vanmechelen 

Make Christmas 2019 about the future.

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Make this Christmas about the future and give the most valuable gift. Give life…give trees! DONATE ANY AMOUNT, big or small, and come on this epic journey with us. For each € 5 of your donation, we will plant a native tree in your name!

For those of you who are already part of TheFirst600 campaign, now is the time to renew your partnership. 

Already 50.000 native trees are growing thanks to your support and the next goal is 1,5 million native trees!

What makes our mission unique? 

  • The BJF team manages every stage of the process, from fundraising to the planting and maintenance of your trees.
  • Partnerships are key. Everyone we work with becomes a valued partner. 
  • Creating positive, sustainable relationships with local landowners and communities is at the center of what we do.
  • Your trees will be maintained for 3 years after planting to ensure maximum survival rate.
  • Detailed scientific mapping and biodiversity planning ensure your trees restore the areas to their natural state.
  • The scale. With the aim to plant over 1.4 billion native trees, this will one of the largest reforestation project in South America….learn more 

Become part of something much bigger this festive season! Join one of the largest reforestation projects, planting native trees, on the planet, and help us restore the biodiversity of the Araguaia corridor, in the heart of Brazil. We are committed to changing the fate of our planet, are you? 

If your donation is a gift for someone else, we can address your BJF friend package to be sent directly to your loved ones.

Thank you for your support and we wish you a very green Christmas, 

The BJF Team

BJF lead panel at the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change

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The CBMC – Brazilian Conference on Climate Change – is an annual meeting, the first of which convened in early November this year, bringing together non-governmental organisations, social movements, governments, the scientific community and the Brazilian private and public sector for three days of dialogue and proposals surrounding the implementation of the Brazilian NDC, the Paris Agreement and the 2030 agenda. A landmark event representing the collective action taking place in Brazil to tackle climate change.

The Black Jaguar Foundation had the honour of being invited to participate in the event as a partner organisation. Marina Tavares (BJF) and Dimitrio Schievenin (BJF) lead the panel “Restoration and Recovering of Degraded Areas: Commitments and Opportunities for Brazil”, together with Severino Ribeiro (CEPAN and Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact) and Jeferson Straatmann (ISA – Socio-Environmental Institute). Our project coordinator, Dimitrio Schievenin, was also invited to the WWF panel, “Barriers and Opportunities for NDC Implementation in the Farming Sector – A Focus on Restoring Degraded Areas in the Brazilian Cerrado.”. Here we shared the learnings so far from our pilot project in Santana do Araguaia (PA) and Caseara (TO), an area viewed to be the transition point between the Cerrado and Amazon biomes.

The outcome of this conference was the Recife Declaration. The Black Jaguar Foundation are one of numerous institutions, NGOs, companies and public agencies that have signed this agreement, committing to stand against climate change and work collectively towards a greener, more sustainable future. With our mission to restore more than 1 million hectares of the Amazon and Brazilian Cerrado along the Araguaia River, we are very proud to contribute directly to the Brazilian restoration target of 12 million hectares by 2030, the figure agreed upon in the Paris Agreement.


You too can show your support for climate action in Brazil and sign the Recife Declaration

BJF Demonstration unit open for environmental education

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During the current rainy season, the BJF field team is implementing a Restoration Demonstration Unit (RDU), located in the Farm of the Future, in the heart of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor! Our team first prepared the area for restoration by removing all invasive grasses and plants, placing a fence and starting to plant the first seedlings. This RDU will be fully restored using three different techniques: seedling planting, with legume plants between the seedlings; dense seedling planting; and direct seeding, mixing tree species and legume plants.

The aim is for this 1,3 hectare restoration site to become a reference for other landowners that wish to partner with the BJF to restore their land, allowing them to see the process in action. The RDU will also be used as a site for local environmental education! When the restoration process is complete, pathways and sign boards will be created within the RDU, so people can walk around, explore and find out more information about ecological restoration. Local schools will also visit the site so children can come and learn more about the environment and why we need to restore and maintain these important areas. 

The BJF Team along with researchers from the Green Capital Study, visiting the Restoration Demonstration Unit (RDU), November 2019.

BJF Governance project begins!

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This year has seen many exciting developments which have propelled us into the next stages of our project, and as we grow, so must our structures. The BJF is therefore proud to have been awarded a Corporate Governance project by Vieira Rezende, a renowned Brazilian law firm. 

Vieira Rezende’s talented attorneys are currently working pro-bono in order to help us create compliance policies and set up a Brazilian advisory board. This board will be formed from renowned professionals from finance, forest restoration, third sector, impact business, environmental legislation and Agribusiness to help guide us in our future endeavours. The Brazilian Corporate Governance project will help bring even more transparency and trust to our partners and donors, as well as being a fundamental step towards broadening our Brazilian community! This is a crucial next step in the development of the BJF, helping to prepare us for the next, exciting phases of our immense task. 

Greenfinity Foundation gets involved

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We are excited to announce our new partnership with Greenfinity Foundation. From Austria, this charitable organisation is committed to the protection of the environment, actively supporting initiatives that promote awareness and secure the preservation of natural habitats. Looking to promote innovation in the face of climate change and environmental degradation, the range of projects Greenfinity support is extensive, however they are all deeply rooted in mutual social and environmental development.

At the Black Jaguar Foundation we look to partner with organisations whose outlook aligns with our own, Greenfinity share our optimism and vision of working together for a greener future, their motto: “Together for our world. A future together.” Their ultimate goal is to create a world in which practices for the conservation, protection and restoration of our environment become a natural part of everyday life.

As one of Greenfinity’s chosen organisations, the Black Jaguar Foundation is extremely honoured to be working with this new partner and receive support that will be vital in the next stages of our project. The funding provided by Greenfinity will be used directly by our BJF Brazil Team to implement our second pilot phase, the planting of 1 million trees, part of which will become the Greenfinity forest!

As 2019 comes to a close and planting season commences in Brazil, we want to thank Greenfinity Foundation for the important role they have played in the planting of this next, much larger quantity of trees and we look forward to working with them in the coming year.

Read more about how Greenfinity Foundation support the BJF here.

Aufforstungsprojekt Greenfinity Forest zur Rettung des Amazonas-Regenwaldes

Die Abholzung der Regenwälder hat erschreckende Ausmaße angenommen: Etwa 60.000 Quadratkilometer der tropischen Regenwälder werden jährlich zerstört. Damit schwinden auch unsere CO2-Speicher, was die globale Erwärmung vorantreibt. Zusammen mit der Black Jaguar Foundation hat die Greenfinity Foundation ein Aufforstungsprojekt in Brasilien gestartet, das helfen soll, einen Teil des CO2-Ausstoßs zu kompensieren.

BJF heroes: Floris and Natascha Wouterson

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Once again the support we receive from our loyal army of partners, donors and friends is inspiring! This month we want to put the spotlight on Floris and Natascha Wouterson who have been with us since the start of our journey. On top of being committed sponsors themselves, they have also been planting fundraising seeds for us for many years now, spreading the story and the mission of the Black Jaguar Foundation far and wide. Thanks to these efforts the BJF now has an amazing community of German sponsors, to whom we also would like to thank for coming on this exciting journey with us! 

As the owners of Sleepwise, Floris and Natascha have their own mission, to help people sleep better. Since the success of their two stores, Floris has delved further into the world of sleep, becoming the first sleep performance coach in Europe. In this role he provides, coaching and techniques on how to maximise your sleep and has now published the book, ‘Super Sleeper’, containing everything you need to know to rest well. Helping the world one nights sleep at a time. 

After learning of our project in 2012, there was no hesitation, they would support us. The Wouterson family are true believers in what we are trying to achieve, in a recent update meeting Floris said ‘we are a team, I am just one small part’, a mentality we share! With each team member, sponsor, partner playing their respective role, we are capable of truly changing our planets prognosis. 

Thank you Floris and Natascha for all your energy, your inspiring drive and your dedication!

Watch their video testimonial to discover why they support the BJF!


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A BJF tem um novo lar! Nosso pequeno, porém, bonito e selvagem novo escritório, localizado no coração de São Paulo, agora está aberto para negócios. O escritório serve como um espaço ideal para que nossa equipe brasileira em expansão trabalhe em conjunto, realize reuniões e torne nossa missão uma realidade. Um grande obrigado à proprietária Adriana Caccuri, que patrocina a BJF por meio de ótimo desconto no aluguel e muitos benefícios para esse escritório! (Tradução feita voluntariamente por Daniele)


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Nossa nova integrante da equipe, Marina Tavares, está pronta para continuar construindo um futuro brilhante para a Black Jaguar Foundation! Marina é uma goiana que passou boa parte de sua infância explorando o rio Araguaia com sua família. Ela tem uma conexão muito especial com a área, portanto está muito dedicada a restaurá-la. Após se formar na FGV e trabalhar por anos no setor privado, predominantemente em marketing para grandes empresas (como a Nestlé), ela decidiu que era hora de começar a retribuir ao mundo. Durante sua mudança de carreira, ela teve a oportunidade de fazer um curso de pós-graduação em Gestão da Inovação Social no Instituto Amani. Isso a levou a iniciar seu próprio projeto, Se Joga na Horta, que tem como foco principal o envolvimento dos adolescentes com a agrossilvicultura e a jardinagem.

Marina está substituindo Francisco Macedo, que foi aceito no Mestrado em Gestão Sustentável de Florestas e Natureza, oferecido pela União Europeia, com uma bolsa de estudos completa que cobre os custos do curso e suas despesas. Trata-se de um programa de duplo diploma em que ele estudará por um ano na Universidade de Copenhague e outro na Universidade de Pádua, fazendo um curso de verão em uma universidade parceira e concluindo sua tese de pesquisa no Canadá, Chile, África do Sul ou Austrália. Francisco diz estar muito agradecido por essa oportunidade, pois está convencido de que o mestrado fornecerá o conhecimento necessário para apoiar melhor a Black Jaguar Foundation em sua missão de realização do Corredor da Biodiversidade do Araguaia.

Inovação e relações humanas são as principais habilidades que Marina usará para promover parcerias incríveis para a BJF no Brasil. Estamos muito felizes por ter uma nova integrante tão experiente a bordo! (Tradução feita voluntariamente por Kathleen Yumi Shigeno)


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Temos muito orgulho de anunciar que a BJF conquistou o 1° lugar na iniciativa “For Good” (“Pelo Bem”) da FCB Amsterdã! A FCB é um ator global: uma agência de publicidade de reconhecimento internacional com 120 escritórios em mais de 80 países pelo mundo. A filial de Amsterdã decidiu apoiar a BJF como sua organização de escolha, doando mais de 150 horas de tempo profissional a nós. Essas horas doadas podem ser utilizadas para estratégia, tempo de estúdio e criação, assim como gestão de projetos e contabilidade.

Das três instituições de caridade “pré-selecionadas”, a BJF conseguiu 49% dos votos totais, colocando-nos claramente na vanguarda das demais. Para nós, é incrível ver como corporações multinacionais estão começando a acreditar independentemente na importância da nossa missão e a doar horas de energia profissional e tempo para nossa causa.

Você tem outras iniciativas semelhantes no trabalho que gostaria de apresentar à BJF? Adoraríamos conhecê-las! Não hesite em nos contatar pelo email (Tradução feita voluntariamente por Pedro)