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O Estudo de Green Capital

Análise de Custo-Benefício do Corredor do Araguaia

Um renomado grupo de cientistas – cujo trabalhos anteriores sobre mudanças climáticas foram apresentados durante o Acordo de Paris – desenvolveram em 2019 um abrangente estudo para quantificar e compreender a fundo os impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais do Corredor do Araguaia, bem como o custo de realização deste ambicioso projeto.

Um renomado grupo de cientistas – cujo trabalhos anteriores sobre mudanças climáticas foram apresentados durante o Acordo de Paris – desenvolveram em 2019 um abrangente estudo para quantificar e compreender a fundo os impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais do Corredor do Araguaia, bem como o custo de realização deste ambicioso projeto.

Análise dos benefícios

econômicos e ecológicos

Também conhecido como Estudo de Green Capital esse trabalho acadêmico verificou cientificamente todos os benefícios trazidos pela restauração ecológica do Corredor de Biodiversidade do Araguaia para o Brasil e para o planeta como um todo. Por meio dessa análise foi possível identificar, por exemplo, a quantidade de carbono capturado pelo Corredor, de empregos gerados com as atividades derivadas da restauração e também os ganhos econômicos para os proprietários rurais vindos da receita do plantio de espécies nativas com valor econômico. Nesse sentido, o Corredor do Araguaia se mostra como um importante vetor de fomento à economia da biodiversidade (Amazônia 4.0).

Esse estudo foi liderado por renomados professores da Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil) e da Universidade de Illinois (EUA) e suas equipes de pesquisadores nas áreas de economia, biologia e engenharia florestal.

Financiado pelo Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies e pela Embaixadora BJF, Shannon O’Leary Joy, o desenvolvimento da Análise de Custo-Benefício do Corredor do Araguaia ocorreu ao longo do ano de 2019 e foi coordenado por Joël Boele e Marina Tavares, da equipe BJF.


Um Conselho Consultivo Global, presidido por Bianca Nijhof e composto por profissionais renomados nas áreas de Manejo de Paisagem, Finanças Verdes e Sustentabilidade Corporativa, apoiou os pesquisadores com referências acadêmicas e recomendações. 

Um Conselho Consultivo Global, presidido por Bianca Nijhof e composto por profissionais renomados nas áreas de Manejo de Paisagem, Finanças Verdes e Sustentabilidade Corporativa, apoiou os pesquisadores com referências acadêmicas e recomendações.

Bianca Nijhof

(Até 2023) Netherlands Water Partnership

Namita Vikas

Yes Bank Inda

Helen Ding

World Resources Institute

Bianca Nijhof

(Até 2023) Netherlands Water Partnership 

Namita Vikas

Yes Bank India

Helen Ding

World Resources Institute (WRI)

Jan Willem den Besten

IUCN Netherlands

Dr. Jörn Germer

Universidade de Hohenheim (Alemanha)

Jan Willem den Besten

IUCN Netherlands

Dr. Jörn Germer

University of Hohenheim Germany

Research Leaders

Andrea Lucchesi

Professor at University
of São Paulo


Maddhu Khanna

Professor at University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Andrea Lucchesi

Professor at University of São Paulo


Maddhu Khanna

Professor at University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Tess Lallemant

Master student University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Keyi Ussami

PhD Candidate at University
of São Paulo


Victor Dornelas

Researcher at Fundação
Getulio Vargas


Tess Lallemant

Master student University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Keyi Ussami

PhD Candidate at University
of São Paulo


Victor Dornelas

Researcher at Fundação
Getulio Vargas


Paula Pereda

Professor at University
of São Paulo


Patricia Ruggiero

PhD University
of São Paulo


Eduardo Gusson

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Paula Pereda

Professor at University
of São Paulo


Patricia Ruggiero

PhD University
of São Paulo


Eduardo Gusson

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Girlei Costa da Cunha

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Frederico Tomas de Souza e Miranda

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Girlei Costa da Cunha

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Frederico Tomas de Souza e Miranda

Forestry Consultant
at Biodrendro


Dr. Jörn Germer

Agroecologist leader University of Hohenheim Germany​

About me

Gerente de Projetos de Agroecologia nos Trópicos e Subtrópicos no Instituto de Ciências Agrárias nos Trópicos da Universidade de Hohenheim na Alemanha. O Dr. Jörn é um proeminente pesquisador nesses campos, tendo estudado diferentes ecossistemas em todo o mundo.

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Jan Willem den Besten

Expert Green Finance IUCN Netherlands

About me

Especialista sênior em Finanças Verdes na IUCN Netherlands. Antes de ingressar na IUCN Holanda, Jan Willem também atuou como Gerente de Florestas e Conhecimento do Clima na IUCN USA. Jan Willem fez seu mestrado e está fazendo seu doutorado em conservação florestal e natural na Universidade de Wageningen, a melhor instituição do mundo no campo da agricultura e silvicultura.

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Helen Ding

Environmental Economist World Resources Institute (WRI)​

About me

O Dr. Ding é economista ambiental sênior do World Resources Institute. Ela lidera a pesquisa do WRI sobre economia de restauração de terras e avaliação do capital natural. O seu trabalho centra-se principalmente nos ecossistemas terrestres e no desenvolvimento de modelos económicos para medir e demonstrar o valor socioeconómico dos recursos naturais para uma melhor tomada de decisão governamental e empresarial. Anteriormente, Helen trabalhou para a Deloitte France como economista sênior da Deloitte Sustainability Service e vice-líder da Comunidade de Práticas de Capital Natural da Deloitte para a Europa e Ásia.

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Namita Vikas

President Climate Strategy Yes Bank India

About me

Namita é Presidente do Grupo e Diretora Global, Estratégia Climática e Responsabilidade Bancária do YES BANK. Ela atua como presidente da Aliança de Finanças de Capital Natural das Nações Unidas e é membro do Comitê de Direção Global da UNEP FI. Por seu trabalho pioneiro em finanças sustentáveis, ação climática e gerenciamento de risco ESG, Namita foi classificada como uma das líderes em sustentabilidade empresarial pelo Conselho Mundial de Negócios para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (WBCSD) e foi reconhecida mundialmente como a "Líder de Sustentabilidade da the Year ”, da Ethical Corporation, Reino Unido, em 2017. Em 2018, ela foi nomeada uma das“ Super-Mulheres de Sustentabilidade da Ásia ”pela CSRWorks International.

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Bianca Nijhof

Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)

About me

Diretor-geral da Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP). Anteriormente, ela foi gerente de programa de sustentabilidade global da Arcadis e liderou o trabalho de soluções de negócios de capital natural. Ela é membro do Conselho da Fundação no Workplace Pride, participa do Painel Consultivo da Coalizão de Capital Natural, do Comitê Técnico do Protocolo de Capital Social e Humana, da diretoria da Semana Internacional da Água de Amsterdã, do Comitê Diretivo da Fórum Holandês de RSE & Sustentabilidade e a Comissão de Sustentabilidade NKBV (Associação Holandesa de Montanhismo).

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Frederico Tomas de Souza e Miranda

Forest Consultant at Biodendro

About me

Forest Engineer and M.Sc. in Forest Ecosystem Conservation from University of São Paulo (USP). Frederico was an exchange student in North Carolina State University (NCSU) in 2011, conducting Eucalyptus adaptability experiments in the United States southeast region through the Forest Productivity Cooperative. Partner in Biodendro Forest Consultancy since 2016, Frederico has experience in remote sensing projects and terrain modeling focused on land use and land cover, soil and water conservation. He also works with geotechnologies and experimental delineation and data analysis in R&D, with emphasis in forest restoration.

Girlei Costa da Cunha

Forest Consultant at Biodendro

About me

Forest Engineer from Santa Maria Federal University (UFSM). M.Sc. from University of São Paulo (USP). Girlei works with sustainable development in cooperatives in Piracicaba, Brazil, and is consultant at Biodendro Forest Consultancy since 2001 in the areas of environmental conservation, forest resources planning and use, and forest restoration. He has a wide knowledge on the main elements of Brazilian flora biomes, especially in vegetal species identification and usage. He has planned and conducted research projects in partnership with the Forestry Department at University of São Paulo. Girlei is a Management Board member of the Center for Culture and Extension Support in Education and Environmental Conservation (NACE-PTECA) of University of São Paulo.

Eduardo Gusson

Forest Consultant at Biodendro

About me

PhD in Forest Resources from the University of São Paulo (USP), M.Sc. in Agroecosystem Ecology and graduate in Forest engineer in the same university. Eduardo is partner in Biodendro Forestry Consultancy since 2004 and guest-researcher of the Center for Culture and Extension Support in Education and Environmental Conservation (NACE-PTECA) at USP. He has 15 years of experience with conservation and biodiversity management, conducting projects in forest restoration, native species seed and seedlings production, planting and management of native and exotic forests aiming economic exploitation; forest inventory and carbon and biomass quantification, community forest management planning, socio-environmental programs development and scientific research and communication.

Patricia Ruggiero

PhD University of São Paulo/USP


PhD in Ecology from the Department of Ecology of the University of São Paulo (USP), Master in Ecology (USP) and Bachelor in Biologial Sciences (USP). Patricia has also a specialization in Politics and International Relations from the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation and a large on-the-ground experience with environmental projects. She has worked as a Technical Supervisor of forest restoration and energy projects in NGOs, as Manager for Conservation and Sustainable Development at the Brazilian representative of the NGO BirdLife International and as an Environmental Consultant for the Ministry of Agrarian Development, Federal Government. She was part of the scientific curatorship of the permanent exhibition "Estufa do Cerrado" opened in the Botanical Garden of São Paulo since November 2012. Patricia is currently working as a post-doc fellow at the Faculty of Economics at the University of São Paulo (USP).

Paula Pereda

Professor at the University of São Paulo

About me

Associate professor at University of Sao Paulo. Research interests: policy evaluation; environmental economics and health economics.

Victor Dornelas

Researcher at Fundação Getulio Vargas

About me

Researcher at Fundação Getulio Vargas. Holds a M. A. degree in Economic Theory from the University of São Paulo (USP).

Keyi Ussami

PhD Candidate at University of São Paulo

About me

PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at University of Sao Paulo (USP) and contributes to its Center for Regional Studies (NEREUS). She received Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics and in Biology and a Master’s Degree in Biological Oceanography, all from USP. She has worked as an environmental analyst in the field of water resources and geoprocessing for seven years, getting involved in projects all around Brazil. Recent research areas are related to input-output analysis, water footprint and environmental public policies impact evaluation. She is interested in water resources, land use and environmental economics.

Tess Lallemant

Master student University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

About me

Tess Lallemant is currently a master’s student in the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Prior to starting graduate school, Tess worked as Research Analyst at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), where she worked on projects related to trade and the impacts of changes in food prices on poverty. Lallemant received her BA from Reed College in Oregon, where she studied political science with a focus on quantitative methods and economics. Before joining IFPRI, she worked at the World Bank and was a program coordinator for the 2015 International Conference of Agricultural Economists.

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Maddhu Khanna

Research Team Coordinator
Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

About me

As a distinguished Professor in Agricultural & Consumer Economics (ACES), Madhu Khanna examines the motivations for producers to adopt innovative production technologies to meet demands for food and fuel. For instance, precision farming, biofuels, and participating in conservation programs. Her work informs stakeholders and policymakers about the cost-effectiveness of various policy approaches to improve environmental quality and their implications for farm profitability, land use, food and fuel production.
Prof. Madhu and her research team assesses previous cost-benefit research for the preservation of the Amazon forest and Cerrado savanna ecosystems. They also collect specific parameter values from established literature and data sources to include in the current cost benefit analysis model for preservation of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor.

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Andrea Lucchesi

Research Team Coordinator
Professor at University of São Paulo

About me

Professor at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (EACH / USP) in the area of economics and quantitative methods. Ph.D. in Economics from the University of São Paulo, with a one-year interchange at the University of Birmingham, UK. Andrea has 15 years of professional experience in higher education and has published several papers and book chapters in the area of environmental economics, climate change and public policy evaluation. Andrea is a member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and World Economic Forum.

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