“Deepak Chopra once said ‘We are blindly tearing giant holes in the life-giving fabric of our environment’. We believe that together, we can achieve more to restore it.”

Owners of New Vision + Power GmbH
About us
The Swiss coaching company New Vision + Power GmbH stands for vision, power, ethical success and a better life – just like the Black Jaguar Foundation. Bernd and Uddi Specht, the owners of New Vision + Power, are glad to involve their clients with the BJF and to contribute to saving the environment of these wonderful animals, to all of our benefit.
“Taking on leadership is one of the most crucial decisions you can make – it is the decision to step out of the darkness and into the light. We urgently need inspired leadership qualities, now more than ever before. Deepak Chopra’s words have certainly always rung true, but in the second decade of the 21st century, the human race has become a terrible threat to its own existence.”
How we relate to the BJF
“Who hasn’t been taken prisoner by the fascination of big cats? Who hasn’t been filled with awe before their grace and beauty? Their habitat must be preserved. Thanks for this initiative, for TheFirst600 campaign, thanks to all donors and people who work for the preservation of our planet. Together, we can achieve much more. It is no coincidence that this is the field of work of the Black Jaguar Foundation.”