“Forest restoration is not something that will hamper the producer. On the contrary, it will bring huge benefits.”

Director of Bioflora
About us
Bioflora was founded in 1998 with the purpose of assisting in the development of forest restoration in Brazil and provide products and services with the highest standard of quality. This company has continually evolved since its foundation by applying the latest scientific findings and recommendations techniques in the art of transforming degraded environments in self-sustaining forests rich in regional native species.
Bioflora operates in all segments involved in the restoration of native forests, covering from the development of projects, production of seeds and seedlings to the deployment and maintenance of reforestation.
Headquartered in Piracicaba (SP, Brazil), Bioflora’s impressive nursery has an annual production capacity over 3 tons of seeds and 4 million seedlings of 200 species. They hold currently the largest nursery production of native species of São Paulo.
How we relate to the BJF
Along with the BJF, Bioflora is carrying out our first field project in Brazil. This pilot project aims to map a total area of 6,000 hectares in three different regions within the Araguaia Corridor Zone: Caseara, Santana do Araguaia and Limoeiro do Ajuru. Identifying the landowners, examining the land borders and determining the land use are only the first three elements of the Mapping Project Process. The second step is to start our reforestation efforts in this area according to the environmental laws of Brazil. Not only will the selected landowners comply with these laws, they will also be able to grow healthy and productive forests.