“Donating my talent as a translator.”

Translator & BJF Team
About me
Jolanda Treffers was trained as a screenwriter at the University of Iowa, where she majored in Communication Studies with a specialization in Broadcasting and Film. She now runs her own translation business, OneMind texts & translations, from the center of Amsterdam.
“OneMind tends to go above and beyond the usual business of writing and translating in order to come to a high-quality text that is not just creative, thought-provoking, accurate, unambiguous and aesthetic, but will also accomplish any and all purposes you have for it.”
How I relate to the BJF
An absolutely inspiring example of a big-hearted professional donating her valuable time and great talent to the BJF is Jolanda Treffers. The word translation would do injustice to her work as she rewrote the Dutch version of ‘No Risk, No Life’ in English, word for word. Jolanda donated nearly two hundred writing hours and many more hours of research and thought to the cause of the Black Jaguar Foundation in order to make this book a reality.